Website Design and Development

Freelance website designer creating clean, simple, mobile friendly, websites that are Google compliant, great to look at and easy to use.

Digital Marketing

Freelance Website Designer

Working together to create a successful website delivering your message with clarity and precision to your target audience

I am a freelance website designer creating clean, simple, mobile friendly, web sites that are great to look at, easy to use and straightforward to maintain. I have been designing successful websites for over ten years, during which time I have worked with a diverse range of clients on a wide variety of interesting projects. This experience has provided me with expertise in all the mainstream web technologies. I also have many years of experience in search engine optimisation and will ensure that your new website is Google friendly.

Design Services

Great looking, search engine friendly websites aiming to promote and market your business as effectively as possible to your target audience. More info
Logos, graphics and colour schemes to provide an immediate and positive impression to create a strong and effective brand image for your business. More info
Search Engines
Search engine optimisation on the major search engines to achieve a high placement for the key phrases which best describe your business. More info
Responsive Design
Great looking websites employing responsive design which automatically and seamlessly adjust to suit the device you are using to view the site. More info
Text content creation producing clean, succinct narrative content that conveys your business message in an effective manner to your target audience. More info
A range of good quality photographs are a very effective way of creating a strong and immediate impression of your business to your target audience. More info

Working Together

Working with you to create a website which is great to look at, easy to use and which will generate sales for your business

I will take the time and trouble to understand your business both in terms of its major activities and also in terms of its overall mission and image. The aim will be to design a website which appeals to your target audience and drives traffic and resultant sales to your business. To this end, I am able to provide a wide range of services including website design, graphics, photography and content creation.


IT Consultancy

Improve your business by making intelligent use of Information Technology

As an independent IT Consultant, I can offer advice on the best hardware, software or networking solution to meet your individual business needs. Hardware aquisition includes choosing the best desktop or laptop computers and then matching them with the best periferals such as printers. Software selection ranges from the best office software solution to the many cloud based data storage and backup solutions. Networking ranges from ethernet based cable infrastructures to Wi-Fi networks and Wi-Fi extenders.

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